Do you have a favorite gift that you love to give?
I love to make gift baskets of homemade goodies! Last year I gave gifts baskets filled with marshmallows, hot cocoa mix, cookies and chocolate dipped pretzels, all handmade by me!
This year, I plan on changing it a wee bit to include little apple cider mixes that are in a little pouch that I've made to look like an apple! (Photos of those to come soon!)
What do you like least about the holiday season?
All the commercial glitz. Doesn't any one remember what the real meaning of Christmas is? Seriously, break our your dictionary and look at the definition... Does it say anything like Christmas is the annual holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus? How many people actually remember that or even know that?
Hi...I followed the link from SewMamaSew over here...your gift baskets look wonderful! Do you have a recipe or hints regarding those homemade marshmellows??
Those homemade marshmallows look scrumptious! I've never made them but love how they taste - you've been a baking whirlwind! Everyone will love your homebaked yummies!
Hi. I'm visiting from Sew Mama Sew and wanted to say I love all the home baked goodness! Are you planning on posting the recipe for the hot cider mix?
Yes, please share the marshmallow recipe! They look great! Merry Christmas to you.
Love this ideas, I can't believe that you did this all yourself! You might want to check out for food packaging...I've used them before and they're great.
Hi. Just wanted you to know that the link to my favorite marshmallow is in the next post! Thanks for visiting. Good luck with your marshmallows!!!
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