Monday, November 17, 2008

So the past two months have been a blur. How were we that busy?! Now that we are entering the holiday season there's no slowing down for quite a while! Several of our friends are having babies, which means my sewing machine has been doing a lot of work! My only problem is that I forget to take pictures of the gifts before I give them, I did take some pictures of a couple of shopping cart covers. There are plenty more projects lined up! I'm hoping to get started on several things this week. I have intended to sew Amy Butler's Birdie Sling pattern since May, I am happy to say that I will be starting it on Wednesday! It's about time, though I think that limiting factor in this project for me is trying to decide which fabric to choose! I suppose if I like it as much as I anticipate I will, I can foresee making many more of them so I use all of the fabrics I have in mind!

1 comment:

Moxie said...

What a great idea. I love it. I've never seen anything like that before. I just recently found out that a shopping cart has more gems than a public restroom door handle, ewww.